IFC01645 - The information you've entered for this member doesn't match this schedule. Please check that the earnings period for this member matches this schedule. You should also check that the payment source or start date for this member matches this schedule.
There are 2 causes of this error:
1. Mismatched data
The information you have uploaded for an employee does not match what is stored in Nest.
Ensure the surname, ni number match. If you have a RTI ID ensure this matches the nest Alternate Worker Reference.
Check the worker is in a group that has the same contribution schedule (weekly/monthly) as the pay run you are submitting.
2. Nest being slow
If you have recently added the employee to nest, or if you have just changed their details it can take nest 15 minutes or more to update their schedule and accept the contributions.
Have a cuppa and a slice of cake and try again.